Captura de Tela 2022-06-28 às 14.14.05

Rua Augusto Catafesta, 100
Caixa Postal 06 / CEP 95190-000
São Marcos - RS
(54) 3280-2900

The Gaúcha Mountain Range is a land that bears stories of hard work and resilience. Augusto Catafesta, grandson of Italian immigrants, arrived in the municipality of São Marcos in 1943, bringing with him the art of growing grapes and producing wines. In the late 1950s and early 60s he starts to turn a dream into reality by working with his children at the family’s vineyard in Rosita Line, 10 km far from downtown.

The Augusto Catafesta and Sons canteen is opened in 1963, with the building of a pavillion for the production and bottling of table wines to cather to markets in Brazil’s central region. In 1998, the company starts growing grapes of the Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot varieties. Ancellotta variety i salso currently cultivated.

Besides its own production, the company also purchases grapes from around 300 family farmers from Gaúcha Mountain Range and from Campos de Cima da Serra.

Catafesta has a total area of 6,000 square meters with storage capacity for 13 million liters; its average anual sales reaches 8 million liters of juices and wines. The company is among the largest producers from Gaúcha Mountain Range, with a portfolio that includes fine wines, table wines, sparkling wines and high quality grape juices.


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